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Scientific and Practical Journal «The Dental Institute»

MEDI Рublishing House, LLС, specializes in publishing the literature for professionals working in the dental industry. Our products include one of the best Scientific and Practical reviewed Journals for dentists “The Dental Institute”, the newspaper “The Dental Institute. Newspaper for Experts”, numerous monographs, manuals and study aids for dental doctors, assistants, managers and chiefs of dental clinics.

Address: MEDI Рublishing House, LLС,
Nevskiy prospect 82, Saint Petersburg, 191105, Russia
Phone/fax: (812) 324002
E-mail: is@emedi.ru

Scientific and Practical reviewed Journal «The Dental Institute»

The Scientific and Practical Journal «The Dental Institute» was founded on August 22, 1997. Founder and publisher: MEDI Publishing House, LLC.

Since 2002 the Scientific and Practical Journal «The Dental Institute» has been included into the “ENUMERATION of reviewed scientific editions where the basic research results of dissertations for candidate of sciences and doctor of sciences competition are to be published” (Bulletin of Higher Attestation Commission of the Education Ministry of Russian Federation) (scientific branches 14.01.00, 14.02.00, 14.03.00, 03.03.00) [Bulletin of Higher Attestation Commission of the Education Ministry of Russian Federation. – Moscow, 2002. - №1. – C.11. Bulletin of Higher Attestation Commission of the Education Ministry of Russian Federation. – Moscow, 2005. - №4. – C.11. Enumeration edited on 22.10.2010. Presidium decision of March 2, 2012, № 8/13; Presidium conclusion of Mai 25, 2012, № 22/49; number in enumeration …1029; Presidium conclusion of December 29, 2015; number in enumeration …1562; Presidium conclusion of September 28, 2017; number in enumeration …1024].

Headings of the Scientific and Practical journal «The Dental Institute» correspond with the following branches of science and/or with specialty groups of researchers, which the academic degrees are to be conferred on:

  • 14.01.00 Clinical Medicine
  • 14.02.00 Preventive medicine
  • 14.03.00 Medical and Biological Sciences
  • 03.03.00 Physiology

The Journal is included into the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), contract № 30-03/09-8 of 30.03.2009 («RUNEB» LLC).

Biannual impact factor of RSCI of the Journal «The Dental Institute» for 2016 is 1,520. Five-year impact factor of RSCI for 2016 is 0,812.

All the materials published in the Journal undergo the examination by experts of the editorial board which includes the leading native and foreign scientists – specialists in various branches of Dentistry: 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 5 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 32 doctors of sciences, 2 candidates of sciences, 1 foreign scientist. The average h-index of the editorial board members/ editing council of the journal “The Dental Institute” is 9.

All the articles received for publication in the Journal are reviewed in order to obtain a solid expert evaluation. All the reviewers are acknowledged specialists in the fields of reviewed materials, having publications in respective subject-matters during the last 3 years. The editorial board decides to publish or to reject the articles taking into consideration the opinion of the reviewers. The reviews are kept in the Publishing House for 5 years.

The copies of reviews or reasoned refusals are sent to the authors by the editorial board of the Journal.

The editorial board of the Journal delivers the copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation at the proper request received by the editorial board.

Topics of the Journal correspond with main spheres of investigation in Dentistry according to the following special research groups ( 14.01.00, 14.02.00, 14.03.00, 03.03.00):

  • Etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, prophylactic methods, diagnostics and treatment of hard tissue lesions (caries etc.) and their complications.
  • Etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, prophylactic methods, diagnostics and treatment of periodontal diseases. 
  • Problems of surgical Dentistry with developing the methods of diagnostics and treatment of the diseases of the jaw-face region. 
  • Etiology and pathogenesis of congenital and acquired developmental anomalies, defects and deformities of the jaw-face region. 
  • Working out and substantiation of new clinical methods and technologies in orthodontics and dental prosthetics.
  • Standards of using the cone-beam computer tomography in various sections of the out-patient dental practice, jaw-facial surgery and otorhinolaryngology. 
  • Development and perfection of the methods of organization and rendering the dental care to the population as well as developing the profession under new management conditions. 
  • Investigating the theoretical issues of population health protection and public health service, theories and concepts of developing the health care, life conditions and life style of population, the social and sanitary issues. 
  • Developing the methods of investigation, study and assessment of the population health state and tendencies of its changes, exploring the demographic processes, the structures of morbidity, physical development, impact of social and demographic environmental factors on the health of population and its individual groups. 
  • Investigating the organization of medical care for the population, developing the new organizational models and technologies of prevention and rendering the medical assistance and rehabilitation for the population; exploring the quality of the out-patient and in-patient health care. 
  • Developing the theoretical, methodical and organizational aspects of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled. 
  • Exploration of medical, social and ethical aspects of the activities of health care servants. 
  • Working-out the scientific issues in economics, planning and norm-setting of health care servants and financing the public health care, management and marketing. Exploration of population’s need in medical care. 
  • Developing the theoretical, methodical and organizational aspects of compulsory and voluntary medical insurance of population. 
  • Investigating the issues of health care management, working-out the automate systems and computer technologies of managing the medical and prophylactic institutions, services and health care as a whole. 
  • Studying the health care systems of foreign countries, activities of WHO and other international medical and social organizations of public health protection. 
  • Exploring the problems of viral pathogenicity, cytopathology of virally infected cells and tissues, studying the pathogenesis of viral infections, penetration ways of viruses into and their spread in the organism.
  • Studying the anti-viral immunity, immune-chemical investigations of viral antigens, exploring the humoral cell immunity and the immune-pathological reactions. 
  • Working-out the measures of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of viral diseases. 
  • Isolation, cultivation and identification of microorganisms.
  • Saprofytism, parasitism and symbiosis of microorganisms.
  •  Genetics of individual development. Apoptosis. Immune genetics.
  • Population genetics. Genetic structure of populations. 
  • Human genetics. Medical genetics. Hereditary diseases. 
  • Studying the regularities and mechanisms to support a constant inner medium of an organism. 
  • Studying the mechanisms of sensory perception and movement organization. 
  • Investigating the dynamics of physiological processes upon all development stages of an organism. 
  • Studying the function mechanisms of cells, tissues and organs and principles of their systemic organization. 
  • Studying the human mechanisms of physiological adaptation to various geographic, ecological, working and social conditions. 
  • Developing the new methods to investigate the human and animal functions.
  • Exploring the identification mechanisms of foreign substances, their removal out of the organism and formation of immunological memory. 
  • Studying the mechanism of immune system participation in forming the pathologies of other systems. 
  • Studying the regularities of cyto- and histogenesis, structure and function of cells and tissues.
  • Studying the regularities of cell and tissue differentiation, their physiologic regeneration and regulation of these processes, as well as differentiation and vital activities of non-differentiated cells. 
  • Investigating the tissue element adaptation to the influence of various biological, physical, chemical and other factors.
  • Developing the experimental models, methods of cytological diagnostics, morphometry, marker hysto- and cytochemistry etc.
  • Investigations in general regularities of environmental factor influence onto the human health, as well as methodical approaches to their investigation (general sanitary).
  • Investigations in estimating the environmental factors of populated areas, working-out the sanitary norm settings and measures to provide the favorable life conditions to the population (public hygiene). 
  • Studying the influence of work processes and industrial milieu onto the working people organisms and developing the sanitary norm-settings and measures to provide the favorable and healthy work conditions (occupational hygiene and professional diseases). 
  • Exploring the factors of environment and education conditions onto the children and adolescents organisms, working-out the measures to protect and strengthen their health, favorable development and perfection of functional resources of children and adolescents organisms (children and adolescents hygiene).
  • Exploring the quality of foodstuffs and their influence on the human organism, working-out the hygiene norm-settings, food structure and diet regimen directed to improve the health state of population (diet hygiene). 
  • Investigating the regularities of forming a radiation settings and ionizing radiation doses, their impact on human health, developing the sanitary rules and norms of radiation safety of the population (radiation hygiene). 
  • Developing the hygiene norm-settings and requirements to provide optimal treatment condition for the patients of medical and prophylactic institutions, as well as optimal work condition of the medical staff (hospital hygiene). 
  • Investigating the influence of activity and life conditions on the health state of the armed forces staff, working-out the measures to keep and strengthen the health of the military personnel. 
  • Investigating the action mechanism of production milieu factors for the organism, their influence on the dynamic and health state of an individual both under effect of one factor or a factor group, determining the quantitative links and impact levels of the factors and the health state, based on physiological, epidemiological and clinical studies. 
  • Studying the effects of industrial noises, vibrations, infra- and ultrasounds aimed on determining their permissible levels. 
  • Scientific substantiation of norm-setting requirements to the industrial microclimate and prophylactic measures of its adverse effects for the working staff. 
  • Studying the physiological, psychological and ergonomic aspects of optimizing the work process in various kinds of activities aimed on efficiency increase and disease prevention of the working staff. 
  • Studying the mechanisms and conditions of fatigue and overexertion of the neuromuscular system of the working staff and the substantiation of prophylactic measures during working activities associated with various kinds of muscular loading (local, regional and general).
  • Investigation of etiology and pathogenesis of professional and production-conditioned diseases, mechanisms of forming the clinical peculiarities and kinds of their course. 
  • Epidemiological investigation of the health state of working groups under effect of various professional nuisances including the chemical carcinogens. • Exploring the medical and social issues of health state and dynamics in the working staffs due to demographic shifts, modified production conditions, changed environmental and migration processes. 
  • Study of theoretical public health care problems and health protection, theories and concepts of health care development, population life style and conditions, social and hygiene problems. 
  • Developing the methods of investigation, study and estimation of population health state and tendencies of its changings; study of demographic processes, morbidity structures, physical development; social, demographic and environmental factors effect onto the population’s and its single groups’ health. 
  • Exploring the organization of population medical care; developing the new organization models and technologies of prophylactics, of rendering the medical care and rehabilitation for the population; exploring the quality of out- and in-patient medical services. 
  • Developing the theoretical, methodical and organizational aspects of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled. 
  • Analysis of medical, social and ethic aspects of medicinal officials’ activities. 
  • Developing the research issues in economics, planning and norm-fixing of medical officials and in health care financing, management and marketing. Analysis of medical care needs in population. 
  • Developing the theoretical, methodical and organizational aspects of obligatory and free-will medical insurance for population. 
  • Exploring the problems of health care management, development of automatic management systems and computer administration technologies of treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, services and health care as a whole. 
  • Study of foreign health care standards, of WHO activities and function of other international medical and social organizations in public health protection.

“The Dental Institute” journal is the leading profile research and practical All-Russian edition to elucidate a wide spectrum of modern Dentistry issues.

ISSN 2073-6460.

Subscription index according to the national catalogue «Rospechat»: 29955.

Registration certificate: ПИ N ФС7747370 of 18.11.2011 (ROSKOMNADZOR). (Registration certificate ПИ N7716847 of 10.11.2003 has been changed due to the changed legal address of the founder. The edition was registered anew because of distribution range expansion and change of the founder. Certificate П 2646 of 22.08.1997 given by the North-Western regional Administration of the State Press Committee of the Russian Federation).

The printing version of “The Dental Institute” journal presents a full-colored edition of highest quality with the volume up to 144 journal pages.

The edition format is A4.

The periodicity is 4 times a year: April, June, September and December.

The circulation makes 5000 copies.

All materials of the Scientific and Practical Journal «The Dental Institute» starting with № 1 are placed in electronic form on the web-site http://instom.spb.ru/catalog/magazine/ in open access.

All materials of the Scientific and Practical Journal «The Dental Institute» starting with 2005 are placed in electronic form in Internet in free open access on the site http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=8735.

Editorial board of the Scientific and Practical reviewed Journal «The Dental Institute»

Director-general: Doctor of Arts, E. L. Pushkareva

Editor-in-Chief: MD, PhD, Professor A.V. Tsimbalistov

Science Editor: MD, PhD, Professor G.G. Ivanova

Art Designers: S.G. Zemskova, E.A. Vorobiova

Advertisement location: Doctor of Arts, E. L. Pushkareva

Distribution Manager: L.V. Alexeeva

Literary Editor: Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor A.L. Ivanov

Address of the Editorial board

Nevskiy prospect 82, Saint Petersburg, Russia 191105,

Editors’ office of the Scientific and Practical reviewed Journal «The Dental Institute»

Phone/fax: (812) 3240022.

E-mail: is@emedi.ru

Editorial board members of the scientific-practical journal “The Dental Institute”

All the materials published in the Journal undergo the examination by experts of the editorial board which includes the leading native and foreign scientists – specialists in various branches of Dentistry: 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 5 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 32 doctors of sciences, 2 candidates of sciences, 1 foreign scientist. The average h-index of the editorial board members/ editing council of the journal “The Dental Institute” is 9.

Editorial board members of the scientific-practical journal “The Dental Institute”

All the materials published in the Journal undergo the examination by experts of the editorial board which includes the leading native and foreign scientists – specialists in various branches of Dentistry: 2 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 5 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 32 doctors of sciences, 2 candidates of sciences, 1 foreign scientist. The average h-index of the editorial board members/ editing council of the journal “The Dental Institute” is 9.

Tsimbalistov Alexander V.

Honoured Doctor of RF, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, deputy director of project and innovation activities, chief of the branch “Dentistry” of the medical institute, head of the chair of orthopaedic dentistry, the Belgorod State national scientific research university (Belgorod).

Address: Pobedy str. 85-17, room 1-20, 308015 Belgorod, Russia
Phone: +7 (4722) 30-13-12; fax: +7 (4722) 30-10-12.
E-mail: is@emedi.ru; instom31@mail.ru.

Mchedlidze Tamas Sh.

Deputy editor-in-chief (Saint Petersburg) Doctor of Medicine, Professor of the chair of health care and social health, private educational institution “The Saint Petersburg dental institute of postgraduate training” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Nevskiy prospect 82, 190000 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 324-00-00. Fax: +7 (812) 324-00-21.
E-mail: tamaz@emedi.ru.

Fadeev Roman A.

Deputy editor-in-chief (Saint Petersburg) Professor, Doctor of Medicine, head of the chair of orthodontics, private educational institution “The Saint Petersburg dental institute of postgraduate training”; head of the chair of orthopaedic dentistry of the State budget educational institution of higher education “The North-Western State I.I. Mechnikov-University” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Metallistov prospect 58, 195176 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 324-00-44.
E-mail: fadeev@sut.ru; doc375@medi.spb.ru.

Ivanova Galina G.

Scientific editor (Saint Petersburg) Professor, Doctor of Medicine, vice-rector for scientific research work of the private educational institution “The Saint Petersburg dental institute of postgraduate training” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Nevskiy prospect 82, 190000 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 324-00-22. Fax: +7 (812) 324-00-22.
E-mail: GIvanova@medi.spb.ru.

Arzhantsev Andrey P. — Doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the radiological department of Federal state budget institution “The Central scientific-research institute of dentistry and jaw-face surgery” of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health (Moscow).

Address: Timur Frunze str. 16, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 246-48-21
E-mail: andrey-p-a@mail.ru.

Arutyunyan Alexander V. — Academician of the Russian Academy of natural sciences, Doctor of Biology, Professor, the Federal state budget institution “The Saint Petersburg institute of bio-regulation and gerontology of the North-Western department of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Dinamo prospect 3, 197110 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (812) 230-00-49.
E-mail: ibg@gerontology.ru.

Borovskiy Evgeniy V. — Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, advisor of the department of cariesology and endodontics, the Federal state budget institution “The Central scientific-research institute of stomatology and jaw-face surgery” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Timur Frunze str. 16, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 246-92-43; 708-36-91.
E-mail: cniis@cniis.ru.

Professor of the chair of therapeutic dentistry, federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education «Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University» of the Health Care Ministry of Russian Federation.

Address: Trubetskaya str. 8-2, 119991 Moscow, Russia

Butova Valentina G. — Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of natural history, Honoured Worker of science and education of the Russian Academy of natural history, Professor, head of the scientific-methodical department, Federal state budget institution “The Central scientific-research institute of stomatology and jaw-face surgery” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Timur Frunze str. 16, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 245-03-37.
E-mail: butova@rambler.ru.

Vagner Vladimir D. — Honoured Doctor of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, eputy director for scientific and methodical work, the Federal state budget institution “The Central scientific research institute of stomatology and jaw-face surgery” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Timur Frunze str. 16, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 245-03-37
E-mail: vagnerstar@yandex.ru.

Vishnyakov Nikolai I. — Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, head of the chair of public health care with the course of economics and health care management, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The First Saint Petersburg State medical I.P. Pavlov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Lev Tolstoy str. 6-8, 197022 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 499-70-18
E-mail: orgzdrav@mail.ru.

Vorobyov Mikhail V. — Doctor of Medicine, associate professor of the chair of dentistry №2, the Federal state budget educational institution of higher education “Ivanovo State medical academy” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Ivanovo).

Address: Sheremetyevskiy prospect 8, 153012 Ivanovo, Russia
Phone: +7 (493) 230-17-66
E-mail: adm@isma.ivanovo.ru.

Goleva Olga P. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, head of the chair of public health care, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Omsk State medical university” (Omsk).

Address: Lenin str. 12, 644099 Omsk, Russia
E-mail: goleva50@mail.ru.

Grinin Vasiliy M. — Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Professor of the chair of public health care of the faculty of medical prophylaxis; Professor of the chair of jaw-face surgery, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The First Moscow State medical I.M. Sechenov-University” (Moscow).

Address: Trubetskaya str. 8-2, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 609-14-00
E-mail: rectorat@mma.ru.

Davydov Boris N. — Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of sciences, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Professor of the chair of paediatric dentistry and orthodontics, President of the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Tver state medical university” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Tver).

Address: Sovetskaya str. 4, 170100 Tver, Russia
Phone: +7 (4822) 346-349. Fax +7 (4822) 34-43-09.
E-mail: m000293@tversu.ru.

Danilov Egor O. — Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor, Professor of the chair of public health care and medical management, private educational institution “The Saint Petersburg dental institute of postgraduate training” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Nevskiy prospect 82, 190000 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 324-00-44; fax: +7 (812) 324-00-45
E-mail: Danilov@medi.spb.ru.

Associate professor of the chair of paediatric dentistry of the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The North-Western State I.I. Mechnikov-University” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Zanevskiy prospect 1-82, 195196 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 303-51-12.

Dolgikh Vladimir T. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, head of the chair of pathophysiology and clinical pathophysiology of the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Omsk State medical university” (Omsk).

Address: Lenin str. 12, 644099 Omsk, Russia
Phone: +7 (3812) 23-03-78
E-mail: prof_dolgih@mail.ru.

Ivanov Sergey Ju. — Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the chair of jaw-face surgery, the Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education “The First Moscow state medical I.M. Sechenov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Trubetskaya str. 8-2, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 248-05-53; fax: +7 (499) 248-01-81
E-mail: syivanov@yandex.ru.

Iordanishvili Andrey K. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honoured rationalizer of Russian Federation, Professor of the chair of jaw-face surgery and dentistry, Army Medical S.M. Kirov-Academy (Saint Petersburg).

Address: academician Lebedev str. 6, 194044 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 292-32-73
E-mail: mdgrey@bk.ru.

Kasumova Marina K. — Candidate of engineering sciences, director-general of “MEDI” Closed Company, associate professor of the chair of Health care and social health organization of the private educational institution “The Saint Petersburg dental institute of postgraduate training” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Nevskiy prospect 82, 190000 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 324-00-20; fax: +7 (812) 324-00-21.

Kiselnikova Larisa P. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, head of the chair of paediatric dentistry, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Moscow State medical and dental A.I. Evdokimov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Delegatskaya str. 20-1, 127473 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 684-49-86.

Kovalenko Ludmila V. – Doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the chair of pathophysiology and general pathology, Director of medical institute, State educational institution of higher postgraduate training “The Surgut State university of Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district – Ugra” (Surgut).

Address: Energetikov str. 22, 628408 Surgut, Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district, Russia
Phone: +7 (3462) 76-30-50
E-mail: medsurdirector@gmail.com.

Kozina Ludmila S. — Doctor of Biology, associate professor, leading scientific worker of biochemistry laboratory, the Federal State budget institution “The Saint Petersburg institute of bio-regulation and gerontology of the North-Western department of the Russian Academy of medical sciences” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Dinamo prospect 3, 197110 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone/fax:+7 (812) 230-00-49
E-mail: ibg@gerontology.ru.

Kozlov Vladimir A. — Corresponding member of the Russian academy of sciences, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Professor of the A.A. Limberg-chair of jaw-face surgery and surgical dentistry, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The North-Western State medical I.I. Mechnikov-University” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Zanevskiy prospect 1-82, doorway 5, 195196 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 303-50-00, add. 2481, 2482; +7 (812) 303-50-92
Е-mail: spb-mfs@yandex.ru.

Korpacheva Olga V. — Doctor of Medicine, associate professor, Professor of the chair of pathophysiology and clinical pathophysiology, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Omsk State medical university” (Omsk).

Address: Lenin str. 12, 644099 Omsk, Russia
Phone: +7 (3812) 23-03-78
Е-mail: olgkor@mail.ru.

Kochorova Larisa V. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Professor of the chair of public health care with the course of economics and health care management, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The First Saint Petersburg State medical I.P. Pavlov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg)

Address: Lev Tolstoy str. 6-8, 197022 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 499-70-18
Е-mail: orgzdrav@mail.ru.

Kulakov Anatoliy A. — Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, director of the Federal state budget institution “The Central scientific research institute of stomatology and jaw-face surgery” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Timur Frunze str. 16, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 246-82-63
Е-mail: kulakov@cniis.ru.

Leontyev Valeriy K. — Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, the Russian Federation State Price laureate, Professor of the chair of jaw-face surgery, faculty of continued professional education, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Moscow State medical and dental A.I. Evdokimov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Yefremov str. 12-2 office 501, 119048 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 766-44-93.
Е-mail: leontyevvk@mail.ru.

Scientific supervisor of the dental faculty of Belgorod National State Research University.

Address: Pobedy str. 8517, 308015 Belgorod, Russia

Maximovskaya Ludmila N. — Honoured Doctor of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, head of the chair of clinical dentistry, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Moscow State medical and dental A.I. Evdokimov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Delegatskaya str. 20-1, 127006 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 973-02-23.

Patyukov Alexander G. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, head of the chair of normal physiology, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Omsk State medical university” (Omsk).

Address: Lenin str. 12, 644099 Omsk, Russia
Phone: +7 (381) 223-32-89.

Persin Leonid S. — Corresponding member of the Russian academy of sciences, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, head of the chair of orthodontics, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Moscow State medical and dental A.I. Evdokimov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Vuchetich str. 9A, 127206 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 611-11-88.
E-mail: premier-ortho@yandex.ru.

Silin Alexei V. — Doctor of Medical sciences, Professor, head of the chair of general dentistry, vice-rector for science and innovation activities of the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The North-Western State medical I.I. Mechnikov-University” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Zanevskiy prospect 1/82, 195196 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Telephone: +7 (812) 303-50-00, add. 2481, 2482; +7 (812) 303-50-92.
Е-mail: spb-mfs@yandex.ru

Solovyev Mikhail M. — Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honorary Doctor of the Saint Petersburg State medical acad. I.P. Pavlov-University, chair of dental and jaw-face surgery, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The First Saint Petersburg State medical I.P. Pavlov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Lev Tolstoy str. 6-8, 197022 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone of the chairman: +7 (812) 234-45-42.
Administrative department: Phone: +7 (812) 338-78-95. Fax: +7 (812) 338-66-02.
E-mail: info@1spbgmu.ru.

Sorokina Inna N. — Doctor of Biology, Professor, chair of medical and biological branches of science, the Belgorod State national scientific research university (Belgorod).

Address: Pobedy str. 85, 308015 Belgorod, Russia
Phone: +7 (4722) 30-12-11; fax: +7 (4722) 30-10-12, +7 (4722) 30-12-13

Chibisova Marina A. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, rector, head of the chair of radiology in dentistry, private educational institution “The Saint Petersburg dental institute of postgraduate training” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Metallistov prospect 58, 195176 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 324-64-04. Fax: +7 (812) 324-00-45
E-mail: chibisova@medi.spb.ru.

Trofimova Tatyana N. — Doctor of medical sciences, professor, Professor of the chair of roentgenology and radiology, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The First Saint Petersburg State medical I.P. Pavlov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation; deputy general director/chief physician of the medical company “AVA-Peter”; director of scientific-clinical and educational center “Radio-diagnostics and nuclear medicine” of the Saint Petersburg State university; head research worker of Federal State budget science institution “The N.P. Bekhtereva- Institute of human brain of Russian Academy of Sciences”; leading research worker of the department of ecological physiology of Federal State budget science institution “The Institute of experimental medicine” (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Lev Tolstoy str. 6-8, 197022 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 388-78-95

Churnosov Mikhail I. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, head of the chair of medical and biological branches of science, the Belgorod State national scientific research university (Belgorod).

Address: Pobedy str. 85, 308015 Belgorod, Russia
Phone: +7 (4722) 30-12-11; fax: +7 (4722) 30-10-12, +7 (4722) 30-12-13

Yanushevich Oleg O. — Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honoured Doctor of Russian Federation, rector, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The Moscow State medical and dental A.I. Evdokimov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Moscow).

Address: Delegatskaya str. 20-1, 127473 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 684-49-86.
E-mail: rectorat.mgmsu@gmail.com.

Yakimovskiy Andrey F. — Doctor of Medicine, Professor, head of the chair of normal physiology, the State budget educational institution of higher professional training “The First Saint Petersburg State medical I.P. Pavlov-University” of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg).

Address: Lev Tolstoy str. 6-8, 197022 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 338-70-90.
E-mail: libruni68@gmail.com, info@1spbgmu.ru.

Gerd Lemann — Chief of the Masters School for dental technicians, member of the Expert Board of the international journal “Dental dialogue” (Fuchstal, Germany); member of the Expert Board of the international journal “Dentallabor” (Munich, Germany).

Address: Paosostraße 24, 81243 Munich, Germany.
Phone: +49 89 884210. Fax: +49 89 88 42 10.
Е-mail: gele46@online.de.

Rules of presenting the manuscripts to be published in the Journal «The Dental Institute»

The editors draw the authors’ attention on the following rules and form of presenting their manuscripts to be published in the scientific-practical Journal «The Dental Institute»: 

  1. The article must have the visa of the scientific supervisor (or the person responsible for research work in this institution) and be followed by an official assignment from the institution where the work was performed (for the theses authors, the assumed terms of defending the thesis to be pointed).
  2. The post-graduate students do not have to pay the publication. All the research articles (without any advertising) are published free of charge.
  3. You should send 2 article copies to the editors on the paper bearer and an electronic disc version. The text is printed with Times New Roman 12 type size, with two intervals, with left, top and bottom margins of 4 cm and right margin of 2 cm. The complete electronic version of the article (including all illustrations, diagrams, tables and schemes) is presented in two formats: doc. and pdf (of polygraphic quality).
  4. The date-line must include: the title of the article, surnames and first names of all the authors (in full form), their academic degrees and status, posts, full names of institution they are working in; official addresses with postal indices, official telephone number with city code, official electronic addresses (to be published in the Journal). This information is presented on Russian and English languages. As well as individually: the sir- and first name, full postal address, phone number and e-mail address of the author to be in further contacts with the editors.
  5. The article must be enclosed with its summary and the key words (on Russian and English languages), with the title and the authors’ names to be indicated.
  6. The volume of the article must not exceed 8 pages of the composed type, including tables and illustrations. The following structure of the committed content of the article is advisable: actuality of investigation, its aim, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, list of literature used — up to 20 sources.
  7. In the list of literature (printed with double interval, on a separate sheet, each source on indented line with an ordinal number) all the authors are indicated whose names are presented in the text, alphabetically (the native ones first, than the foreign ones). The authors of the article are responsible for the data in the literature. Bibliographic links in the text are cited in square brackets under numbers according to the list of literature. The transliteration of the list of literature is to be made (Roman letters).
  8. The text of the article must be stylistically and orthographically edited by the authors. The quoted cites must be adjusted; the footnotes must include the source, its name, date, issue, pages. No abridgements of the words are allowed, except of generally recognized abbreviations of values and terms. The SI unit system is to be used in the text. The special terms must be given in Russian translation in the version generally adopted for the scientific literature.
  9. The tables must be numbered, not duplicate the text, have a title; the titles must exactly correspond with the content of the columns. The figures in the tables must be adjusted by the author. The text must have a reference for every table and picture (their ordinal number). On the backside of each illustration (photo, figure, drawing or diagram) the number of the figure, the name of the author and a mark of «top» and «bottom» must be given. A separate electronic version of all the tables and illustrations is to be presented. The inscription to figures and tables are given on separate sheets numbered accordingly. In the inscription the meaning of all the symbols (letters, signs or ciphers) must be explained, the tables are provided with comments if needed. Illustrations must be legible, photos contrasting. Required conditions for photographs (raster images): they must be in formats of TIFF, PSD or JPG of a high polygraphic quality (non-compressed). Sizes not less than M:1:1 to the sizes of the original model. Resolution: colored 300 dpi, stroked 1200 dpi.
  10. The article must be signed by all the authors (in exceptional cases the signature of one author is allowed, whom this right was delegated in writing by the members of the authors group). On the separate sheet the full name of the author, his post and place of work must be indicated for the editors to correspond and negotiate with, his postal address, contact phone with the city code, as well as e-mail and cell phone number. 
  11. If the given rules are not fulfilled, the articles are no accepted by the editors. The manuscripts of the rejected articles are not sent back. 
  12. Articles published earlier or delivered to other editions are not published in the Journal. 
  13. The editorial board has the right of reducing and correcting the articles. 
  14. The authors of the materials published in the scientific-practical Journal «The Dental Institute» agree with a gratuitous (without compensation) placing them in the full-text electronic versions of the Journal for the open access on the sites instom.ru and elibrary.ru. 
  15. All the articles coming to be published in the Journal are reviewed for receiving an expert assessment. All the reviewers are acknowledged experts upon the topics of reviewed materials and have had their own publications during the last 3 years upon the topic of the reviewed article. The editorial board decides of publishing (or rejecting) the articles taking into consideration the opinion of the reviewers. The reviews are kept at the editors for 5 years. The editorial board delivers to the authors of the presented materials the review copies or a reasoned refusal. The editorial board delivers the review copies to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation in case of receiving a proper request. 
  16. The articles should be sent to the editors to the following address: Nevskiy prospect 82 Saint Petersburg, 190000 Russia. Editorial board of the Journal «The Dental Institute»; phone/fax: (812) 324-00-22; e-mail: is@emedi.ru.

Review procedure of the manuscripts delivered to the editorial board to be published in the scientific-practical Journal «The Dental Institute»

All materials delivered to the editorial board for being published in the scientific-practical Journal «The Dental Institute» and meeting its subject-matter are reviewed aimed on their expert estimation.

The reviewers are acknowledged experts upon the topics of reviewed materials in the field of Dentistry and have had their own publications during the last 3 years upon the topic of the reviewed article. While working with the article the reviewer strictly keeps the author’s rights as to non-disclosure of the information contained there.

The reviews are kept in the publisher house and at editorial board for 5 years. In case of need the reviewer may recruit additional experts. It is possible only with the editor board’s permission under keeping by the expert the author’s rights as to non-disclosure of information the article contains.

In individual cases the article can be assigned to additional review.

The editorial board delivers to the authors of the presented materials the review copies or a reasoned refusal.

The editorial board decides of publishing (or rejecting) the articles after the reviews have been received and the notes of the reviewer corrected.

The editorial board of the scientific-practical Journal «The Dental Institute» delivers the review copies to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation in case of receiving a proper request in writing.